My previous work experience as a Marketing Communications professional at a consumer goods store, trade association and events management company have led to many opportunities that encompasses web development projects ranging from an e-commerce store to an e-sourcing platform.

Being intimately involved as a client stakeholder in these projects while working with web developers have opened my eyes to the world of web applications. The satisfaction that comes from bringing concepts to life was great and intriguing enough for me to explore designing experiences in greater depth and here I am - with Figma now my new best friend.
But Life's not all work!

I have a deep appreciation for artists and cool products that deliver great experiences. My heroes are designers, musicians and other creatives. It's not easy to come up with a great product - whether it's a piece of music, video or an appliance. I know because I have attempted to do some of these.
These things and experiences inspire me as a person and travel is also a form of therapy that nourishes me when I have the opportunity to embark on one.

Creativity is everywhere you look and makes life... interesting, you just need to keep your eyes open.
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